Who am I Poem

I am Jayvonta Tolliver

A humbles beast

that’s Kind at heart with a natural mean mug

Since the day I was born I’ve been Raised by a single grandmother so struggle seemed to follow me

however the blessings of life and being able to see another day will never be taken for granted .

Don’t let my warming presence and calm attitude mislead you because I also struggle and I am no different than anyone else in this room .

While we may be blind to hard times because it is not appealing to us we all go through something just not in the same form .

Let me tell you a little bit about me

First let me start off by informing you that guy don’t realize how much of a blessing your mother and father are until there not in the picture , until you go day by day with only thoughts of what they could be doing and even if your on their mind. I grew up living that life, crying myself to sleep not because I was hurting but because a piece of me was missing .. Or at least I thought so . One thing that I have learned in life is that you are the only thing you essentially need and as far as everything else, don’t forget to count your blessings and cherish them … My most valued blessing to this day is my grandma . The women that took me in even though she had to make some sacrifices to do so

The women that has showed me the power behind unconditional love

The women that would break her back for me and expect nothing in return but a simple smile

I never knew how much I meant to her until one year on her birthday I wrote her a note thanking her for her love and she couldn’t help but to cry because while She’s all I have I’m that refuge that keeps her going day by day

I’m that unknown cure for that pain she feels in her lungs from time to time

I’m that medicine that she doesn’t have to take but instead feel its presence

And while all this is unseen actions truly do speak louder than words

And the crazy thing about this strong women that God has put in my life is that I’m not the only one she takes care of .

I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers

There isn’t one that you can say she hasn’t taken care of and too this day she’s still taking care of 2 of them .

In life you often learn to love from those that have shown you love and the back round you come from

Growing up nothing was handed to me and at the time I hated it Bc I’m stubborn and to this day you could still say the same

However, because of my desire my whole outlook on life reflects nothing but positive light

For I know anything in life that I may want isn’t going to wait on me so I must go get it

I must give all I’ve got Bc the man up top was graceful enough to give me the opportunity to go get it

I Faith so strong not even the devil can come in between and when allow myself to  get the point where I feel as if I have nothing I drop to my knees and put it in gods hand and sure enough he never fails me .

The purpose of this message is you won’t find another kid that will love the way I do for I love in my own way

Give everything he’s got even when he may not have much go give because he has his own aspirations

Care like I do because He knows how it feels to not be cared for

And most of all put you first because God has did so for him

See I’ve learned from the best and the greatest message of all is give and you shall receive because a blessing giving is a blessing earned

I am a all American track runner not just because but for the simple fact that I made a Decision to do something with my life and give my grandma that same joy she has giving to me wether it be scoring a touch down or crossing the line first

I am a member of the national honors society not because I just got it like that but because I don’t associate in the normal teenage festivities but instead work on perfecting my craft because I know that I have a whole life to live and the fun will come in time

Some see me as just an athlete that the girls see attractive .

But I’m more than just the eyes can see

My spirt is also beautiful and I lay up at night not thinking about which girl I want tomorrow but instead how can I better myself

How can I make up for the struggles I have faced and instead of letting it bring me down use it as motivation and prevail above and beyond all expectations trying to hold me down

I am a sole healer

One that can brighten any mood just for the simple fact that I understand because I  will show you something that not everyone can and that is someone that is willing to listen even if I may not know all the words to say

I will not only love you unconditionally but also respect you unconditionally because we live to see another day

I got a real Small circle but love it that way because despite how much I may want you in my life I certainly don’t need you

I am blossoming in flaws and one of them is realizing that I don’t have to be perfect .

See I was made to stand out

Different from all else

And while you may see my mistakes and negatives I see them as the complete opposite

For You must first fail in order to be successful

You must first be at the very bottom in order to rise to the top

Insecurity is a killer and I grew up with many of those

Riding my bike past all the big house envisioning myself in one of them forgetting to realize some people have it worse

Getting jealous of my friends that can go home to there mom and dad forgetting to realize some people have no one to go home too

Afraid to open up to people because I just didn’t know how to considering the fact I never had anyone to do so for

Through pure faith I have became the young man I am today

And While everyone may not like me I love me and if I don’t have anyone at least I’ve got me

Me as in Jayvonta Joseph James Tolliver

Light skin with curl brown hair and big brown eyes

Sweating with love for you and you and you because you too deserve to be loved

And while everyone may get genuine love from me not everyone gets unconditional love ….. Because when we fall together, I may be the only one that comes Back up

That’s the kind of love I poses


